Nov 1, 2021
November Feature
C2C Nigeria Book Drive

By Board of Trustees for The C2C Team on November 1, 2021
Dear Donors, Friends and Family,
It is with utmost pride that we share the attached report which captures the adventures of Child2Child Book Foundation ("C2C") in Nigeria this summer. The Foundation was represented by Amirrah and Azzarrée Uwhubetine, two of its co-founders and Terri Bolden, a Trustee and mother to both girls. After years of germinating their idea and putting in the work to see it to fruition, it was a full circle moment to see the girls give back to a country that has given them so much and laid the foundation of who they are today.
As trustees of C2C, we are very proud of their willingness to extend themselves to those less fortunate than they are and as parents, we could not be prouder of their ability to push through sickness and other challenges including a global pandemic to see this project to a successful completion. It is our hope and prayer that this tenacity and grit will serve them well way beyond C2C and as they soon head off into the real world.
We are onto our next adventure - Ghana - and all five girls are excited and eager to take the learnings, challenges, and successes from Nigeria to have a bigger impact in Ghana. We hope you will come along again for what we believe will be an amazing ride. Our C2C GoFundMe link is live and we hope you enjoy the attached report!
Best regards,
Board of Trustees, Child2Child Book Foundation
Donate: GoFundMe Link
Contact: info@child2childbookfoundation.org
Website: https://www.child2childbookfoundation.org